Thursday, February 19, 2015

50% Windows Phone Developers Make At Least $500 Per Month

Windows Phone Apps Money

App development on Microsoft’s platforms has been a pressing issue for a while now, but some new statistics show that Windows Phone developers are finding notable success.

Well, most of them are anyway.

VisionMobile conducted a survey involving some 8,000 mobile app developers, which placed the Windows Phone platform squarely in third place when it comes developer appel. Android led the chart with 71% share, while iOS took in second place with 54%.

But a total of 30% of developers are now building applications for Windows Phone, a steady increase from the 28% in third quarter of 2014 and 26% in first quarter of 2014.

In fact, all mobile platforms experienced growth here — even the under fire BlackBerry had positive numbers to report, posting an increase from 11% in Q3 2014 to 13% in Q1 2015.

Windows Phone Apps Money

Windows Phone Apps Money

Windows Phone Apps Money

When it comes to money, though, there is more good news.

Some 50% of developers on Windows Phone are making up to $500 every month, 14% of them get as much as $5,000 during the same timeframe. A lucky few, 4% of them make between $50,000 and $200,000 every month.

Real success here.

Microsoft is betting on the concept of universal apps on Windows 10, allowing the same app to run on both desktops and mobile devices. This is sure to provide app developers with even more opportunities.

Hopefully the issue of lack of apps on Windows Phone will be addressed in the coming years.

MobileStatisticsStrategyWindows PhoneWindows Phone 10


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